Why the waste industry?

Why the waste industry?

We believe that the most important thing for you as an employee is how your values, your motivation and your skills match your workplace. IN ReMidt we are sure that if the workplace is in harmony with you, you will grow faster and happily beyond what you think is your own potential. With us, you will be allowed to flourish. With us, it is allowed to be good. At us, it is important to be committed to the environment. With us, it is allowed to think that we are going to save the world.

The waste industry as it is today has come into being over a relatively short time. In the 90s, most of the waste that came from the population in Norway was buried in landfills. Today we no longer talk about garbage. Today we are talking about resources that have value, and something that we must take care of. In parallel with the development of the waste industry, the digital world has made great quantum leaps, and we see that if we are to take our industry to a new level, we must make use of the opportunities that lie in digitization and automation. If we are to be the best at this, we must also have the best people.

We must be curious, innovative, ambitious, achievers, plan-oriented and structured, but perhaps most importantly, we must be good at collaboration. And that is one of the real big opportunities in our industry. We are not competitors in the waste industry. We work for the same goal, and we can work together. Good ideas in ReMidt we share with the other waste companies, and our sisters share with us. Isn't that wonderful?