Change of access to the Orkanger recycling station

Change of access to the Orkanger recycling station

In connection with roadworks on the E39 at Orkanger, there will be a major rerouting of the traffic, which involves changes for those going to the recycling station. The change applies from 23 October and a small year.
Delivery of offal

Delivery of offal

Autumn is hunting time, and with that comes the question of the delivery of slaughter waste. ReMidt are not allowed to accept slaughter waste at our recycling stations. This is because we do not have a license from the State Administrator to accept this type of waste.
Meet Arne Kristian

Meet Arne Kristian

Arne Kristian has a Bachelor in Economics and Administration from BI in Trondheim. In addition, he has filled up his competence in ICT at NTNU, and regularly updates himself through certifications at Microsoft. Often described as a hypersocial computer geek.

REDu and Trainee schemes

In the public waste industry, we are good at collaboration. One of the major collaborations we have put in place in recent years is something we call REDu. An acronym that plays on the words renovation and education. REdu is what we have in common