New facility in Aure

New facility in Aure

The new plant is planned in Sjyskardet on Ertvågsøya. The facility will primarily serve the residents of Aure municipality (approx. 3400 inhabitants). A future-oriented facility will be built, where it will be easy for the municipality's residents to sort their waste correctly.

The new facility must have the following functions:
  • Recycling station - where customers deliver source-sorted waste. Does not apply to wet organics (food waste)
  • Reloading – source-sorted waste that has been collected and reloaded into larger containers for transport out to final reception
  • Facilitation for re-use - separate premises for handing in for re-use
  • Stand-up area for waste disposal vehicles - with changing rooms and break rooms for the waste disposal workers
Reloading in a dense building
  • All route-collected source-sorted waste
  • Transshipment of other organic food waste
  • Dangerous waste
  • Items for reuse
At the facility we will don't have
  • Waste landfill
  • Combustion plant
  • Biogas plant
  • Composting facility
Detailed regulation Ørnhaugen business area - consultation deadline 1 May 2024

Pursuant to §12-11 of the Planning and Building Act, proposals for detailed regulation for the Ørnhaugen business area, gn.91 bn.88 and 99, were put out for public inspection and sent to sector authorities and neighbors with a deadline of 1 May 2024 to come up with notes.
All documents in the case are posted on Aure municipality's website

Notice of commencement of work on changes to the zoning plan for Ørnhaugen Industrial area, Aure municipality 26.10.2023 October XNUMX

Proposals for minor changes to the zoning plan for the Ørnhaugen residential and business area were notified on 14 August 2023. In this regard, comments have been received from authorities (3), organizations (3) and private individuals (5). The county municipality and the State Administrator have objected to treating the case as a "minor change".