Bags and sacks

Bags and sacks

The renovation scheme in ReMidt- the municipalities are based on sorting waste in their own containers. Biodegradable bags must be used for food waste. In addition, plastic packaging must be delivered in separate bags.

Normal consumption is two rolls of plastic packaging and three rolls of food waste bags per year, but this will vary from household to household. When you need more food waste bags or plastic bags, you must do the following:

  1. When the food waste bags are almost empty: Tie an empty food waste bag or ordinary carrier bag to the food waste bin on emptying day, and the cleaner will leave new bags.
  2. When it's getting close to empty for plastic packaging bags: Tie an empty sack or ordinary carrier bag to the container for glass and metal packaging on emptying day, and the renovator will leave new bags.
  3. You can stop by one of our recycling stations during opening hours, and you will receive new bags / sacks.

It does not cost anything to get more bags for plastic packaging or bags for food waste.

For those of you who are at your cabin/leisure property, bags must be picked up at the recycling station. If you live in a municipality there ReMidt collect the waste, you can also bring bags from home, and get bags there as described in point 1 above.