Garden escapes

Garden escapes

We have long traditions for importing ornamental plants into gardens and parks. In most cases, the plants are of unconditional joy, but when they find their way over the garden fence, they can create trouble. We call these plants garden gardens. 

Many imported garden plants have properties that make them outperform other plants, they are hardy and they reproduce quickly. These are good characteristics in a flower bed, but in the wild they can compete with rare and endangered species, bring harmful fungi and insects, change the soil and take over large areas.

Know your own garden

Are you wondering if you have a garden gardener in your garden? Or should you plant new ones and try to avoid them? We recommend that you watch information about garden escapes - Det norske hageselskap. There you will find good information about the individual plants, and alternatives to what you can plant.

How Do I Get Rid of Garden Gardens?

If you compost your garden waste into a cold compost, you are still not sure that roots and seeds will not spread. The only sure way to get rid of alien species is to burn them. This means that especially hardy species, such as sitkagran, lupins and nyperoses, should be delivered to the recycling station. Alternatively, roots and seed capsules can be thrown in the residual waste which will also go to incineration.

Deliver at the recycling station

It is generally important to cover trailers with garden waste during transport. Uncovered waste during transport is a major source of the spread of weeds and unwanted species. When delivering garden seedlings to the recycling station, we ask that you wrap the plants well in plastic so that seeds and plant parts are not dispersed during transport and at the reception. Contact those working on the facility to make them aware of what you are delivering and that it is sorted properly.

Read more about alien species: