Changes to opening hours in 2024

Changes to opening hours in 2024

Three of our recycling stations will have changes in their opening hours from 1 January 2024. This applies to Rindal, Krokstadøra (Orkland) and Meldal (Orkland).

I Rindel the opening day changes from Thursday to Friday, but the times are the same: 09.00-16.00. It is still open on Mondays from 12.00-19.00 and Saturdays in odd-numbered weeks from 09.00-14.00.

I Meldall in Orkland municipality, opening hours are extended on Mondays. New opening hours are 09.00-16.00. No change on the other opening days - Wednesday 12.00-19.00 and Saturdays in even-numbered weeks 09.00-14.00.

On The hooked door in Orkland municipality, it is open on Tuesdays from 12.00-19.00, but will be closed on Saturdays.

You will always find updated opening times for all our recycling stations here.