Home renovation

Home renovation

Everyone who owns a home/residential unit is required to participate in the waste disposal scheme that applies in the municipality. All residents must sort cardboard/paper, plastic packaging, food waste, glass and metal packaging and residual waste in the home.

Tjenesten er beskrevet i “Forskrift for husholdningsavfall” og gebyrene bestemmes av den enkelte kommunes gebyrregulativ. Renovasjonstjenesten i kommunen skal drives til selvkost, som innebærer at innbyggerne skal betale det tjenesten faktisk koster – verken mer eller mindre. ReMidt is consequently not allowed to make a profit or loss.

Are you a resident of a municipality ReMidt working in, you have access to all our recycling stations. There is free delivery at the recycling stations. All municipalities also offer waste taxis up to twice a year.

Prices and subscription Laws and regulations waste Taxi My page Need more bags and purses?