The renovation scheme in ReMidt

The renovation scheme in ReMidt har sortering av fem avfallstyper hjemme, fire dunker + en sekk som hentes hjemme hos alle abonnenter.

More source sorting means that we can use more of the waste as a resource and raw material in new production. There are both national and international requirements that more of the waste must be recycled (used as a raw material in new production). It is only possible to recycle pre-sorted waste. Residual waste today goes to energy recovery (burned and turned into heat in district heating systems), and the goal is therefore to sort as much as possible away from the residual waste in your home.

Everyone sorts out food waste, glass and metal packaging, cardboard/paper and residual waste in their own bins and plastic packaging in their own plastic bag. All cans are mandatory and cannot be opted out.

  • Food waste in its own bin is emptied every 2 weeks
  • Residual waste in a separate bin is emptied every 4 weeks
  • Cardboard and paper in a separate can are emptied every 4 weeks
  • Glass and metal packaging in a separate can is emptied every 6 weeks
  • Plastic packaging in a separate bag is picked up every 6 weeks

With four cans, it might make sense to have a chat with the neighbor to cooperate on sharing cans. If you collaborate on larger cans, you get a discount of 15% off a normal subscription. Read more about cooperation and neighbor sharing. For housing associations and condominiums, we try to find good collection arrangements with larger cans or containers. See what we can offer in the brochure:
Waste solutions in housing associations and co-owners

New waste brands

Food waste must be sorted into separate bags that you will receive from ReMidt. The bags are then placed in the can marked food waste. In the bag you can put all leftover food, peels and other things that are organically degradable. The food waste is used for the production of biogas. The residual product is used for soil improvement / fertilizer. Read more about food waste.
The can of food waste will be emptied every two weeks. Do you need more bags?
NB: If you have a valid agreement on home composting, you will not be given your own bin for food waste. Read more about home composting

Glass and metal packaging should be placed loosely in the can, it is important that it is not placed in bags. In the can you can put all of the glass and metal packaging from food and drink. The important key word here is packaging, so glass and metal that is not packaging must, as before, be delivered to the recycling station.
The can with glass and metal packaging is emptied every 6 weeks. Read more about glass and metal packaging.

Plastic packaging placed in the plastic packaging bag from which you were given ReMidt. In the same way as for glass and metal packaging, it is important that plastic placed in the bag must be packaging. All plastic that is not packaging must be sorted as residual waste or delivered to the recycling station. You can put forward as many bags as you need on emptying day. This does not cost anything extra. The bag with plastic packaging is collected every 6 weeks.

Cardboard and paper sorted and placed loosely in the can. If you have a lot of cardboard and paper, you can get a larger paper bin without it adding up to the fee. The can with cardboard and paper is emptied every 4 weeks.

Residual waste is what is left when you have sorted out everything that can be sorted out. Our analyzes of the residual waste from households show that 50-60% of what is in the residual waste bin should and should have been sorted out - so it is not residual waste. If you have nappy children in the house, you may have to increase the size of the residual waste bin for a period of time. The can with residual waste is emptied every 4 weeks.

Extra bag with residual waste. On some occasions, the residual waste bin becomes too full. Then you can put an extra bag next to your residual waste bin on the day of emptying. The renovator registers this and you will be invoiced NOK 100 extra on the next invoice.

Empty calendar

You can always find an updated emptying calendar for your address by using the search field on remidt.Well.
If you are unsure how to do it, you can look at this help page.
To make sure you don't miss any emptying days, we encourage you to subscribe to free SMS alerts. You can sign up for this when you have searched for the address for which you want an emptying notice, or you can arrange it on My page.

Source sorting at the cabin

Everyone who has a cabin or holiday home in one of the 17 municipalities which ReMidt works in, has an offer for a renovation scheme. This is a return point that should only be used by our customers with leisure subscriptions. ReMidt working on introducing the same source sorting at the cabin as at home. This means sorting cardboard/paper, glass and metal packaging, food waste, plastic packaging and residual waste.

For cabins and holiday homes, there is no emptying calendar, but it is possible to notify us by text message if it is full. At each return point, it is described how to do it. You can always find your nearest return point by searching